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Swiss Photo School

Take pictures like a Pro

    1. How to study this course

    2. Introduction

    3. Motivation

    4. Goals

    5. Assignments - 1

    6. Assignments - 2

    7. Assignments - 3

    8. Definition of Photography

    9. Assignments

    10. Photo Management

    11. The world through a frame

    1. The Basic rules of Composition

    2. Assignments - 1

    3. Assignments - 2

    4. Assignments - 3

    5. Moren on composition - ways to improve it

    6. Assignments - 1

    7. Assignments - 2

    8. Assignments - 3

    9. Assignments - 4

    10. More on Composition - Focusing and common errors

    11. Assignments - 1

    12. Assignments - 2

    13. Assignments - 3

    14. Assignments - 4

    1. Cameras - how to choose the correct camera

    2. Types of lenses and how to use them

    3. Focal lenght

    1. Shutter speed

    2. Assignment Shutter Speed

    3. Aperture

    4. Assignment - 1 - Aperture

    5. Assignments - 2 - Aperture

    6. ISO settings

    7. Assignments ISO

    8. Focusing

    9. Assignments focusing

    10. Focusing on movement

    11. Assignments - Focusing movement

    12. Assignments - Focusing movement - 2

    13. Depth of field

    14. Assignments - Depth of field - 1

    15. Assignments - Depth of field - 2

    16. Assignments - Depth of field -3

    17. Assignments - Depth of field - 4

    18. Assignments - Depth of field -5

    19. Color temperature

    20. Assignment - Color temperature - 1

    21. Assignments - Color temperature - 2

    22. Assignments - Color temperature - 3

    23. Assignments - Color temperature - 4

    1. Correct exposure

    2. Assignments - Correct exposure - 1

    3. Assignments - Correct exposure - 2

    4. Assignments - Correct exposure - 3

    5. Bracketing

    6. Assignments - Bracketing - 1

    7. Assignments - Bracketing - 2

    8. Check exposure with the histogram

    9. Assignment - Check exposure with the histogram - 1

    10. Assignment - Check exposure with the histogram - 2

    11. Exposure - Handling difficult situations

    12. Assignments - Exposure - handling difficult situations - 1

    13. Assignments - Exposure - handling difficult situations - 2

    14. Assignments - Exposure - handling difficult situations - 3

    15. Assignments - Exposure - handling difficult situations - 4

    16. Artificial light

    17. Assignments - Artificial light - 1

    18. Assignments - Artificial light - 2

    19. Assignments - Artificial light - 3

    20. Red eye correction

    21. Assignment - Red eye correction - 1

    22. Assignments - Red eye correction - 2

    23. Assignments - Red eye correction - 3

    1. Basic photo editing - cropping

    2. Assignments - Basic photo editing - cropping - 1

    3. Assignments - Basic photo editing - cropping - 2

    4. Assignments - Basic photo editing - cropping - 3

    5. 0027 - basic photo editing - lighten - darken pictures

    6. Assignments - basic photo editing - lighten - darken pictures - 1

    7. Assignments - basic photo editing - lighten - darken pictures - 2

    8. Assignments - basic photo editing - lighten - darken pictures - 3

Take pictures like a Pro

  • $560.00
  • 82 lessons

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